Staying in touch with the ones we love while were in far away lands!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Pics for Memorial Day Post!!
I rode in the very back and read Anton the same story over and over and over... I think I read it at least 20 times, I have it memorized now :) But that was the only thing that would keep him from screaming the entire car ride so Janja kept handing me the book every time he started crying it was pretty cute :)
This Door with Anton's name on it is a Bathroom :) How cute!!

Part of Pero's routine to get people to come watch the show is to ride his indian bike and a little tiny motorcycle on these roller balls, he swerves, puts on a blind fold and does this thing with no hands or feet!! It was pretty amazing to watch!!

This Door with Anton's name on it is a Bathroom :) How cute!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend!
For Memorial Day weekend we went to Ivan's Aunt's house up near Hanover, Germany. We had lots of fun and Anton did pretty well! We went and watched Ivan's uncle perform at the fair in East Germany. It was waaayy scary but he did it with his eyes closed LITERALLY!!! here are a few pics! We of course ate Great food since his aunt did all the cooking, and had a great time with his cousins watching Germany win the euro vision... we couldn't get Lena's song out of our heads for the whole weekend :( All in all it was a great trip... needless to say Jajna loves, adores, and spoils Anton she call him her sunshine... we love visisting them and can't wait until we get to go back and actually see the town they live in!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy First Fathers Day!!
In honor of my Father and Anton's Daddy, I just wanted to say Happy Fathers Day!! Ivan is such a wonderful and loving father. Showering Anton with kisses, attention, praise and teaching him how to pet the cats nicely, how to yell during a soccer game, and mostly how to be a good person! I feel so lucky that my partner is willing to help with Anton any time of day no matter how his day was!! Thanks Babe, I love you and want you to know that you are truly a great dad!! Here are some pics of him and Anton that I love!! They show you just how much Anton admires his daddy and how they are truly are two peas in a pod :)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Fun Pics!
Hanging around Town
I have found out that the more I get the baby out of the house the happier he seems... that is as long as getting him out means going to the park and not in the car! So we have a park within walking distance and we hit it up about three times a week that is when it's not RAINING! Anton loves it!! He loves to swing, and slide and just move around in general! I catch him staring at the trees and leaves, trying to eat flowers and just enjoying the sun (with proper sun block of course) and world around him!! I think the only thing he loves more is going to the park with his DADDY! Maybe because mom is not such a daredevil like dad is or maybe because they are two peas in a pod? I didn't want to go back to the house one evening so I made Anton and Ivan walk around town so I could take pictures of them in front of Orsfeld things!! We all had a good time ( you wouldn't have thought that from Anton's face) and it was nice to spend some time together as a family!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
After Spokane we went and stayed with Bridge for two weeks and had a BLAST!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my little Gretal. It was so great to see those two interact, and by interact I mean to see Anton beat on poor Gretal. She is such a good little girl who can sit and play for hours! We did and saw a lot while we were there I don't think we ever had time to even miss Ivan the Harris' kept us busy! We went to the bean museum where they have all sorts of taxidermy animals from the zoo and forest... it was a don't touch museum but Gretal and Anton couldn't help themselves!! We ate at A LOT of good and yummy places! We went to the Zoo the Aquarium it was soo much fun! I see why people like to live in big cities you have everything at your fingertips!! I did A LOT of shopping and I think spent waaayyyy more than I should have but what are you going to do?!? I really enjoyed getting to see my sister in her element of being a mom and a wife she makes it look easy, she's a great cook and baker... she made us some strawberry rhubarb pie that was DELICIOUS Anton had a first here too... he went swimming for the very first time and LOVED it! We almost died when I took him down the slide and couldn't get my footing but we made it... he went under the water and came back up we looked at him thinking he was going to cry... but nothing just looked at us like what it was like going home for me!! Unfortunately Anton didn't realize that going to visit The Harris' would mean having to dress up like a girl sometimes but that's what happens when your mom doesn't bring enough jammies and you pee through all of yours... he ended up wearing Gretal's pink jammies to bed one night and we all thought he looked too stinking cute in PINK!!! I can't wait to go back, hopefully with Ivan next time!
I was so glad to head home and see my parents and little brother! Anton had grown up sooo much since being there last. We had such a blast visiting with our old neighbors and seeing Grandma and Grandpa Vance! My parents have a foreign exchange student from Ecuador named Santy... he was a lot of fun and Anton just loved him... in fact him and Grandpa Tony were the only boys that Anton warmed up to instantly... Uncle T.J. scared him a little bit at the beginning but he's like a giant to this little guy!! We had lots of fun we went to Riverfront park and rode on the Carousel and Anton rode with Grandma Jackie on the one and only goat!! We went down the big red wagon, fed the ducks and the metal goat!! We also got to go to the park by my mom's house and we flew a kite which was A LOT of work for me and my mom!! I saw a friend from high school there and got to catch up! We went to Coeur d Alene and played in the water a little bit and went to the Cd'A hotel and had ooey gooey's!! YUM!! Anton ate pretty much all of Grandpa Tony's Huckleberry Sorbet!! Anton had a few firsts while we were there... he started clapping his hands and started to wave a little bit... I know he's going to miss his G&G sooo much... I can't wait to see them in June for T.J. and Bailey's wedding. It was such a fun trip and I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to go there!!
We've been doing so much lately, Anton and I took a month long trip to the states and had a blast visiting our family!! We went hiking in Moab, UT at the Arches National Park! There was A LOT of complaining had by me... but hey give me a break, I flew 15 hours with a 7 month old all by myself who slept maybe 5 hours and then woke up and drove 3 hours to Moab... I was Kaput!! I'm sure Anton was too!! He has been crawling since about 5 1/2 months and HATES to be tied down so being on a plane with no where to really crawl, and a car seat, and a hikers pack... I'm surprised this little guy didn't cry more than he did!! Our first hike was a long semi flat hike we saw a few arches and Anton did pretty good, until of course he got hungry!! It was really windy and kinda cold... which I wasn't expecting at all I thought I was headed to the warm desert... ha ha... Our second hike the next day was straight up a rock... it wasn't as long and we saw the Arch that is on all the Utah license plates... It was CRAZY windy once we got up there and I didn't feel very safe with Anton up in the hiking pack and me on the steep rock so we headed to a flat spot down the rock a little bit... once we got there I smelled a ROTTEN smell... yep, Anton had a HUGE poopy diaper and I HAD to change him on a flat rock... so there is a rock in Moab that has an Anton butt print... thank goodness he didn't get any on his clothes!! We saw lots of fun stuff... but I must say my favorite part of the Moab trip was when Anton was in the grass and stood up by himself for a few seconds!! Also getting to see all my Welcker cousins and their babies was soo fun!! I can't wait until all our little ones are older so they can actually play together!! Oh and hike on their own!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
My Loves
As it is the day after Valentines day I thought a post about love is best fitting for getting back in the saddle of blogging!
My two loves: Daddy and Baby.
I never thought we'd make it this far... Anton is almost 6 months I remember back to the first few months thinking I'll never make it he'll never grow out of crying all the time and needing to be held 24/7... but he did. He's doing soo good. Today I had him in his crib and he entertained himself for almost 30 min... and then I brought him to our bed and the laundry basket entertained him long enough for me to fold and put away clothes!! I guess this means no more excuses on how I have the baby and so I can't get something done :) But with a Dad like Ivan it wouldn't matter anyway. Ivan is such a great dad and great husband. Anton LOVES his daddy and can't wait to see him. He gives Ivan his HUGE smiles and holds his hands up for Ivan to pick him up! They are two peas in a pod! I remember when Anton would scream if anyone else but mommy would hold him even daddy and how it hurt Ivan to think his baby might not know him... but again we've all grown and now daddy is our prized possession at the end of the long day with mommy!
Anton has started crawling a little bit well at least he's learning to he's been belly crawling and actually using his hands instead of his face to move forward!! Sigh... I can't wait for him to grow and learn new things as long as he stays my cute little snuggle bug forever!
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