Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Still waiting for our car!!!!!

So we were supposed to get our car last week...but due to the Easter holiday it was post ponned to this week...When we dropped off the car they told us that the date of arrival was April 14th....well today is April 14th and so far...since it's 2:45 pm...no car!!! This is getting ridiculous!!! I wonder if they know what kind of stress they are putting us through...we have no way of getting away for a while...we had to spend our Anniversary with Ivan's co-workers because we didn't have a car so he could take me out to a new resturant!! There's no way for us to just run to the store...if there's an emergency there's no way for us to get to the hospital...I wish there was a program that would give families a temporary car until there's comes in!!! I can't wait for a car...I can't wait for the freedom it will bring to us.

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

That always sucks having to wait on other people :) See you in three days!!