Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This mom thing is harder than any other job I have ever had. At least when I started a new job I got either hands on training or I got a manual. No one gave me a book or prepared me for litterally exausting nights, no "ME" time...even the cats want to sit on me or want me to hold them. The only thing I am ever lonely for now is adult conversation. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't trade being Anton's mom for the whole world he's the cutest little boy and so much fun when he's not screaming bloody murder! Sometimes I don't feel like I'm doing anything right or I feel like I can't do anything right I'm not sure which one. Forget a schedule I don't remember which breast he ate on last let alone how long he's been asleep or what time I changed his diaper last...was that one poopy or was it the one before that?? I feel bad for Ivan I know he's not getting much sleep either and every time he trys to complain a little bit I come back with...Oh your not getting enough sleep?? I have decided to not do that anymore...sleep means different things for different ppl...I'm ok with waking up during the night...but the hardest parts for me is when I'm tired at night and want to go to bed and Mr Anton wants to be wide awake and cry...or in the morning I need a slow wake up process crying is not's very loud and abrupt....This whole thing of sleep when he sleeps that in theroy sounds great but I have in-laws coming and my house is literally a disaster area what excuse do I give them...oh I had a baby 2 months ago. Ivan says just let him cry and get done what you need to get done...this sounds great and I have done it twice...this is really hard for me crying at night when it's sleepy time is all well and fine but when I'm awake and can be there to play with him and interact with him I feel guilty for putting anything above his needs...what can you do?? I'm sure I'll get the hang of this mommy thing eventually but until then I thought I'd just vent into my blog...gotta go he's crying....I know why am I on the computer when I could be cleaning the bathroom???


MrsJ said...

It's get better trust me!! but it will always be hard work and yes sleep is different for people, but trust me men would not want to have our job, so I don't want to hear a thing!! As far as letting him cry he's too young for that, once you get him on a schedule you will be able to figure out when to clean, but don't be worrying about cleaning cause someone there hint Ivan can do it :)

Bridgette said...

I hear ya! I haven't slept a full night in months, because when I was pregnant I had to get up to pee at least twice a night. Gretal screams at night too, and that's when I'm tired so I've started changing her bedtime routine to start at 8 so I'm not as tired...just an idea :) See you soon!

Bridgette said...

try turning on the vaccum, gretal immedietly stops crying.

Ben and Em said...

HEy megs Iam so so so sorry. It sucks so bad but its the best thing in the entire work. What do us women do to ourselves? So I was telling bridget about this video its called "The happest baby on the block". It is the only thing that made bennett happy. The doctor shows you how to make it seem like he is back in the womb. Its super crazy how it works but i swear by it. You should try it. Well good luck and have fun at your moms!!!!! I wish we could be there!!!

Kari B. said...

hey mamma-
so i've taken to putting johnny in the sling and doing housework! i can't do it all day, he gets too heavy, but i do get a little done! and sometimes breakfast made ;D
you know you can always call me. we will come over too, and you and i can spend a few hours calming babies together, lol...
see ya!