Ok so here is our story....
Wednesday August 19th 7:40 am as my mom and Ivan were getting ready to go and pick up my dad and grandma from the airport (which is 2 hrs away) I was sitting in our computer chair and my water broke...so plans changed my mom was going to go and pick up my dad and grandma from the airport and Ivan and I were going to the hospital. Since we only had one car my mom dropped us off on base so that a friend could take us to the hosptial. So we got to the hospital around 9:30 am and checked in they did a test to make sure that my water broke and to test to see if I had an infection...my water had broken and I did have a slight infection so I was admitted and started on antibiotics. So we spent all day walking stairs, walking halls, taking naps and just haning out....no contractions had started and so around 4 pm they gave me a champange cocktail to try and induce me. No such luck...so we stayed that night and the next morning they gave me a pill to try and induce me the first one didn't work but the next dose started some contractions...so around 3 pm we started some "good" ones they were about every 5 min...we started walking the halls and stairs and hoping it would make me progress...after walking what seems like forever...I was only dialted to 2 cm....so more walking and stairs....then the contractions started to get stronger and were coming on every 90 seconds...more walking and stairs...went back in to check my progress and I was at 3 cm... and that's the way I stayed for the next 6 hours...I stayed at 3 cm for over 6 hours and so they said I needed to relax and gave me an epidural...which was supposed to help...but I still felt the contractions...not as strong but I still felt them!! Then after still being at 3 cm...the Dr and the midwife came in and started watching the baby monitor...they had me lay on my sides to see if there was a difference in the baby's heart rate...finally they had me lay back down on my back and they left the room...a few minutes later they came back and the midwife started prepping me for a c-section saying she was still waiting to hear if the Dr thinks the baby was in stress and needed to come out ASAP or not. By the time she was done prepping me the Dr came back in watched the monitor for a few more minutes and said we need to have an emergency c-section. They immedieatly started wheeling me to the O R. My mom came with me into the operating room as we didn't think Ivan would bbe able to handle the sounds/smells...and about 20 min later at 00:28 Mr Anton Marijan Alandzak was born!!! Dad got to hold the baby skin to skin until I was done in the operating room...Ivan also cut the umbilibcal cord!!!! While dad was holding Mr Anton he tried to latch on to Ivans chest...we got some pics of the hickies dad got!!! So there's the story of how our little guy came into this world!!!
Born: August 21st at 00:28 at 7lbs 6 oz and 20.6 inches long